Friday, August 13, 2010


This week I've been attending orientation for GTA's at UA, so I don't have any pictures to post.  But, since a blog post lives and dies on pictures, I decided to throw in a few randomly for your enjoyment.  :)

 Above is a picture of the cupcakes that will inspire my secondary career plan after burnout hits in the middle of grad. school.  

Burnout seems far away right now as I am very excited about TEACHING MY VERY OWN DISCUSSION SECTION as a large-lecture GTA.  I'll be responsible for my own class (assignments, discussions, and papers)!  I am NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP excited... which leads us to my second random picture for this post.  Below you will see me and my best girls, E.O. and R.W. as we pose for our traditional "diversity in the Million Dollar Band" photo at the SEC Championship.  Which of course led to the National Championship.  Roll Tide!!!  (Why am I always the shortest? I'm NOT SHORT!)

I'm also still working on organizing and unpacking my apartment, I let things go by the wayside during orientation, but I plan to spend much of tonight putting things in their proper places.  Below is a cool cabinet that I saw once at Pottery Barn and felt inspired to take a picture of.  

In a while, crocodile!


  1. Congratulations, Mallory, on your GTA assignment! You'll enjoy that. Did you make those cupcakes? They look yummy! I figure what you will do is teach university while publishing a dessert cookbook in your spare time. ;)

  2. Those cupcakes came from a shop in the mall that Mere and Matt live so close to, they are delicious!!!
